
ホステル 無修正版 [Blu-ray]

3.7 5つ星のうち3.7 957個の評価

新品 中古品
Blu-ray 通常版
¥2,590 ¥1,157
Blu-ray 通常版
Blu-ray スペシャルプライス
今すぐ観る レンタル 購入
フォーマット 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
コントリビュータ バルバラ・ネデルヤコーヴァ, デレク・リチャードソン, イーラー・ロス, エイゾール・グジョンソン, ジェイ・ヘルナンデス
言語 日本語, 韓国語
稼働時間 1 時間 34 分

CD・DVD・テレビゲーム・PCソフト お買い得ストア
タイムセール、キャンペーン、クーポン、在庫処分ワゴンセール、バーゲン品、廉価版など、お買い得商品がもりだくさん。 ⇒いますぐチェック






クエンティン・タランティーノ 他


「胸がムカつくような血まみれの拷問の前に思い切り肌を露出する」ジャンルの映画としては良く出来た映画といえる。好色なアメリカ人2人(『プライド 栄光への絆』のジェイ・ヘルナンデスと『Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd』のデレク・リチャードソン)、彼らに輪をかけた好き者のアイスランド人(エイゾール・グジョンソン)がスロバキアをバックパックで旅する途中、アメリカ人なら誰とでもセックスする美女たちがいるという噂を耳にする。不幸なことに、この美女たちはなんとアメリカ人の若者を拷問と殺人の犠牲者として売り飛ばすという恐ろしいことをしていたのだった。ライター兼ディレクターのイーライ・ロス(『キャビン・フィーバー』)は時間をかけてストーリーを展開させ、生々しい流血場面が避けられないようなお膳立てをしていく。「このホステルで一番求められているのはアメリカ人の血。(アメリカ人は)世界中から恨みを買っているから」というサドマゾ的なジョークも聞かれる。こんなダークなユーモアや行間にこめられた政治的なコメントが、本作を『蝋人形の館』や『The Devil's Rejects』のような中身のないサディスティック映画と一線を画すものにしている。とは言ったものの、全体的に見て何かが欠けている。昔のホラー映画には精神が脅かされるような作品があったが、最近のホラーは肉体を痛めつける以上のものが出てこないのだ。日本のバイオレンス映画『オーディション』『殺し屋 1』などを監督した三池崇史がゲスト出演しているのが映画ファンにはうれしい。(Bret Fetzer, Amazon.com)


  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 2.35:1
  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 韓国語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 13.6 x 3.2 x 1.4 cm; 99.79 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4547462039903
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ イーラー・ロス
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 1 時間 34 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2007/3/16
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ ジェイ・ヘルナンデス, デレク・リチャードソン, エイゾール・グジョンソン, バルバラ・ネデルヤコーヴァ
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語 (Dolby Digital 5.1), 英語 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B000MM1I1G
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    3.7 5つ星のうち3.7 957個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本






これならドイツのLa petite mortの方が同じ内容でよっぽどグロいよ。


拷問文化???とでも言いましょうか、拷問博物館…てゆうのは、チェスキークルムロフだけでなくプラハなんかにも複数実在するんですよね、普通に… 僕も行ってみましたし…



cb 66
5つ星のうち5.0 un film anti -capitaliste déguisé en torture porn
ce commentaire vaudra pour l'épisode 2 qui est tout aussi talentueux que le premier .

Dans un monde où les élites sont gagnées par la pléonexie
le summum de la jouissance est procuré par la chosification de l'humain ;le puissant devient démiurge et à travers la mort qu'il inflige , aprés mille douleurs ,à ses semblables lui donne le sentiment qu'il dépasse la condition de mortel et s'assimile à Dieu:;comme dans American Psycho ,une parabole sur l'irrépressible illimitation du capitalisme ...
Mise en scène brillante ,casting parfait
Michael A. Smith
5つ星のうち5.0 ... have issues with the sheer graphic violence of movies like this, inventing terms like "torture porn" as a ...
I know some people have issues with the sheer graphic violence of movies like this, inventing terms like "torture porn" as a way of describing them. Personally, I love these movies, because I enjoy seeing how far they will get. With series' like Final Destination (not torture porn but fits the example) and Saw, it's all about coming up with cool new ways to kill people. They can't repeat themselves, so they have to get creative. With Hostel, it's not about being clever, or innovative, it's about showing how depraved and violent we, as a society, can be. Had this movie been released in the 1970's, some people would have thought it was real, based solely on the level of violence. It was something people would speak about in hushed tones, and you would hear rumours that some out of the way place was selling copies. In the internet-obsessed world we live in, you can find videos of pretty much anything you want to see, including real murders. So they upped the ante on this movie, and got intensely brutal.

It was fun as hell, and I loved it.
happy shopper
5つ星のうち5.0 i love the hostel collection the best movies of the year ...
i love the hostel collection the best movies of the year every one should buy them and keep it in there collection it is a must have collection you cant just buy number one you must buy all of them keep them as a keep sake well made exciting movies ever just as amazing as saw collection and the legendary halloween collection hostel is awsome 12 and 3 go and buy them
5つ星のうち5.0 Implicit Meanings With Explicit Gore
"hostel" is a brutal, disturbing examination of human beings most perverse and illicit desires. i loved it. this is the first film i have seen in the theater in 2006, and if every film this year is as good as "hostel", we're in for one helluva year.

the film was written and directed by eli roth. roth was a protege of director david lynch who recently decided to strike out on his own. his first film, 'cabin fever", was an ambitious but ultimately mediocre effort. while it had genuinely great moments in it, the film was all over the place tone-wise and felt like a talented guy's attmepts to get his bearings. still, i had hope that roth could make good movies because he was included in bravo channel's special "100 scariest movie moments of all time", and roth was so knowledgeable of horror that he had a comment about almost every film on the list. someone with that much love and know-how with the genre was bound to make a great horror film eventually. now he has. he has found a better way to mix horror and comedy (which is done by alot of filmmakers even though it rarely works; for every film that mixes horror and comedy well, like a "re-animator", we have hundreds of films which end up sucking, like "scream 3". roth has solved the problem by having "hostel" start out as a comedy (the premise of the film is very similar to the film "eurotrip", with both films having action take palce ina country called bratislava, which i am not too proud to admit that i have no idea if it actually exists in real life or not) and then descend into drama and horror as it goes on.

the commercials for "hostel" make a big deal about quentin tarantino "presenting" the film, but really all tarantino did was raise some money for the film and co-executive produce. his involvement was minimal, except as a great marketing tool (and it seemed to work; this weekend "hostel" was #1 and grossed $20.1 million, a figure which indicates that the film attracted a wider audience than hard core horror fans like myself and the types of people who saw "high tension" in the theaters, lol).

the plot is as follows : two american kids (college-age) and an icelandic man they pick up on the way, are touring europe with the goal of smoking as much pot, taking as many drugs, and sleeping with as many hot women as possible. one night they end up staying with a guy who tells them that a poor country in the former soviet bloc has the hottest and easiest girls in europe, and our three protagonists travel there in the hopes of getting laid by really hot girls. little do they know that this is all a trap for a business in the poor country called 'elite hunting", a service that kidnaps young people and, for a price, allows you to lock a person they have kidnapped up in a room and let you do whatever you want with them, supplying them with various weapons and surgical instruments. our protagonists start to disappear one by one, which is all the more scary because these characters are trapped in a foreign land where they know no one, and are truly alone to try and survive.

i can't go further without mentioning the nudity. this film has more nudity than soft core cinemax erotica. in a day and age where films are gradually becoming more puritanical under the neoconservative cultural movement afoot, it's nice to see a film push the limits of R-rated nudity like the films in the 1970s did. the beginning and middle of this film, before the real horror sets in, is a veritable boob-o-rama, a feast for the eyes for a perv like, well, like me, lol.

as for the violence and gore, well, let me just say that the film is not as groy or as depraved as you might imagine from the previews. the film IS very violent and has plenty of gore to satisfy the horror fans, but the violence is safely within the boundaries of the r-rating. basically, the violence is more graphic than the recent 'wolf creek", but not as violent as "high tension". what makes "hostel" so effective isn't just the gore, but the fact that most of the torture scenes take place in dark, wet, dripping, moldy, concrete rooms lit with a green tint as if we are watching a nine inch nails video gone horribly wrong.

when we do get gore, it is not the usually enjoyable gore which looks obviously like a make-up effect. no matter how many horror filsm i see, the violnce rarely effects me. but you know what does effect me? surgery on tv. seeing surgery performed on TV makes me queasy (though i always end up watching it anyway). the biggest compliment i can pay the violence of "hostel" is that the gore feels less like a horror movie's and more like surgery.

what made this film great rather than just 'good" or "scary" are the deeper messages of the film. as the film starts off in amsterdam we get our characters going to a prostitute in amsterdam, where one character comments on how "paying to go into a room with a woman and do anything you want with her is wrong" (that's actually a paraphrase and not a direct quote...i wasn't taking notes during the film to know the exact line of dialogue). this is the film drawing attention to the fact that sex and violence are both illicit desires harbored by humans, each individual harboring them to varying degrees. what the film is doing by showing the protagonists paying for sex and the villains paying to kill is that sex, violence, and all of human's most immoral desires are fast becoming commodities in our heavily capitialist world (the fact that the movie largely takes place in a former soviet country, one which is still fairly new in being capitalist after the pseudo-communist rule of the soviets, is no accident). we have put a price tag on our most illicit fantasies, desires which probably shouldn't be acted out, because when you have two people, and one is allowed to do whatever they want to the second person, that's not fair to that second person, even if you pay them. in part i disagree with this message (i support the legalization of heavily regulated and taxed prostitution), but i see the point, and the film is offering a nightmare version of the slippery slope we are going down. if we continue to insist that our basest desires be fulfilled, at any cost, we are not too far from "elite hunting". we have to keep oursleves in check, think morally and not just our hedonistic nature to feel good, or else the human race is doomed.

too deep for a horror film? i don't think so. i think ti is this depth that separates the great horror films, like this and the first two "saw" films, from the crappy PG-13 horror films, or even the good-yet-unspectacular horror films like the recent 'wolf creek". even though we are only in january, i have a feeling that come this time next year this film will make it on my 10 best list (not the least of which ebcause horror movies hold a special place in my heart, and thus i am more partial to them than real film critics are).

needless to say, i am recommending the film. if you don't like horror movies, or blood makes you queasy, or you don't want to walk out of the movie theaters disturbed and needing to discuss the film in conversation with your pals, this isn't the movie for you. you know who you are, people. "hostel" is a horror film for people who like horror films. if you are only a casual fan of horror, stick with mre mainstream, pedestrain fair. this is a haunting, deep, provacative, and intelligent horror film that still does it's job in titillating and scaring you...and it's one helluva way to kick off 2006.

5つ星のうち5.0 Buena calidad de imagen y audio.
Esta película ya la tenía grabada hace mucho tiempo pero la quería tener original, por eso la compré, personalmente es una de las películas que más me gustan y quien la califica de gore, es que no ha visto La Pasión de Mel Gibson, otra película muy buena que también compré para tenerla original, y esta si que es gore de verdad, lo que pasa es que muchas personas están convencidas que la primera es una invención, y la segunda es un hecho real, por eso dicen que Hostel es una película gore y yo me pregunto, en que se diferencian la una de la otra? es para pensarselo un poco.