
バルジ大作戦 特別版 [DVD]

4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 907個の評価

新品 中古品
DVD 通常版 ¥1,059 ¥792
DVD 通常版
DVD 通常版 ¥3,980 ¥53
DVD 通常版
DVD 通常版
DVD 初回限定生産
DVD 通常版
フォーマット 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
コントリビュータ ヘンリー・フォンダ, ロバート・ショウ, ケン・アナキン, ロバート・ライアン, チャールズ・ブロンソン, フィリップ・ヨーダン
言語 英語, 日本語
稼働時間 2 時間 49 分

Fashion x レジャー タイムセール祭り開催中 5/14[火]23:59まで
期間限定で人気商品がお買い得。還元率アップのポイントアップキャンペーンも同時開催中。 今すぐチェック


  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 2.35:1
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 梱包サイズ ‏ : ‎ 18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4988135601254
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ ケン・アナキン
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ドルビー, ワイドスクリーン
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 2 時間 49 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2008/8/6
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ ヘンリー・フォンダ, ロバート・ショウ, ロバート・ライアン, チャールズ・ブロンソン
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 日本語, 英語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語 (Mono), 英語 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B001BXDH6Y
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 907個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

嵐の中 雪の中
暑い日も 凍える夜も
既に DVDは、持っていたが・・・ブルーレィ化されたことで再購入 やはりと言うか TV画面に 出したら・・・モノクロ!!だったが、今では、撮影出来ないであろう!!セットと人員 そして長さ(3時間)でも 最後まで 楽しめた!!。


5つ星のうち5.0 A popcorn movie. Enjoy. Great bluray transfer.
Great colour and sound. Bluray transfer is excellent. Even though the film is historically very inaccurate it is still worth a watch. Robert Shaw a great performance.
J. J. Bradshaw
5つ星のうち5.0 A thoroughly enjoyable, good old fashioned war movie, terrific blu ray image quality
In some ways this is a terrible film, it is woefully inaccurate in just about every sense and is clearly a film of its time in respect of the depiction of war. Yet for all that, for those who enjoy old fashioned epic war films this is one of the best of the genre. If you forget about any supposed similarities to actual events and just enjoy it as an action movie it is hugely enjoyable, with some terrific battle sequences.

The film has a strong cast including some very fine actors, as well as Henry Fonda and Robert Ryan the film includes stars like Charles Bronson and Telly Savalas. The film is dominated by the late, great Robert Shaw as Colonel Hessler, as in so many of his films Shaw delivers a performance dripping in power. Many Hollywood actors end up playing themselves and each film becomes a variation of their standard part, Robert Shaw never fell into this trap and he always submerged himself into the role. His early death was a great loss to cinema.

In terms of plot the movie condenses a major campaign into a series of episodes over a narrow section of the fighting. In a sense that is all you can do in a movie but it should be realised that this is not an alternative to a documentary or history book. The German's attack, they give the American's a beating before the American's get their act together and some individual heroics they administer a sound thrashing to the bad guys. The film unashamedly pits the good guys against the bad guys, there isn't much of the moral ambiguity or deeper probing of the psychology and morality of war that are typically found in more modern war movie. If that all sounds a bit glib then the film contains some outstanding big scenes, set piece battles and good old fashioned action which makes it a rip roaring epic of the old school and all the better for it in my opinion. This film isn't an educational experience or learned treatise on humanity and war, it is entertainment and three hours of solid enjoyment. Yes, it is almost three hours long so not the shortest movie. Get past the initial oddness of seeing M48 tanks with German crosses on the turrets pretending to be King Tigers and this is as good a war movie as you'll see.

Technically the blu ray disc offers a superb picture. The film is presented in superpanavision, on older CRT TVs that'd result in woeful definition but on a big HD screen you really do get a cinematic experience which combines excellent detail and definition with a very wide aspect ratio. The image is crisp and with good colours. This is in a completely different world to older "pan & scan" TV versions and VHS tapes and it is a worthwhile improvement over the DVD. Audio is not as impressive as the picture but it is acceptable.

Overall this is a thoroughly enjoyable film with a standout performance from Robert Shaw and some fantastic battle sequences presented with excellent image quality. Recommended, 5*.
5つ星のうち5.0 "La Bataille des Ardennes" en version longue
Même si ce film ne respecte pas toujours la réalité historique (voir fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Bataille_des_Ardennes), c'est néanmoins un très grand classique parmi les films de guerre des années 60, avec de très bons acteurs. J'avais ce film en DVD et j'ai acheté cette version Blu-Ray pour avoir une meilleure image. Je peux témoigner que l'image est en effet d'excellente qualité (surtout quand on le compare au DVD). La bande son avec les voix originales est bien respectée (français en mono, anglais en stéréo). Mais ma grande surprise a été de constater que cette version Blu-Ray est en réalité la version longue et complète du film (qui dure environ 169 minutes au lieu des 149 minutes de la version DVD). J'ai donc pu y découvrir 20 minutes de scènes que je ne connaissais pas du tout. Celles-ci ne sont pas d'une importance capitale, mais elles sont quand même intéressantes. On y découvre par exemple la présentation de l'unité spéciale composée de militaires allemands en uniforme américain parlant l'anglais qui seront infiltrés en Ardennes pour créer la confusion dans les lignes américaines. Si vous aimez ce film, je vous conseille vivement l'achat de ce Blu-Ray.
Mark L. Bouwman
5つ星のうち5.0 Battle of the Bulge on Blue-ray
Ok,for me it does not get much better than this! My Dad took me to see this back in 1965 when it came out.Over the years I have seen it on network tv,cable tv ,and thru VHS format! I was not all that picky about how super clear a movie could be until We got a DVD player about 8 years ago!Than I was a bit picky! Last Christmas we got a 52 inch Samsung Flatscreen 1080p for the family.Bestbuy threw in a free Blueray player along with it! So now I can never go back,I am having a field day!And yes I have gotten picky! We have 3 DVD Players ,one run of the mill! One that will play anything from all regions! and than the Blueray!
That being all said, I find the Battle of the Bulge in Blue-ray is outstanding!!It comes thru very clear and crisp!It looks like it was made this year! Everything really stands out!The sound is great too as is the soundtrack!If you want something that is 100% correct with History than you better see another version(like Battleground -1949) of this story!I will say this tho, regarding the movie being real,They use 80 real and at that time active tanks and 5000 extras out of the Spanish army to stand for most of the American and German troops!Nowdays CGI is used a bit too much!A good example is TROY with Brad Pitt and Eric Bana,it was a good movie but it could have been a great movie with less CGI and more extras!
I dont let the fact that the Battle of the Bulge is not 100% correct with history bug me when it comes down to it, as this flick just looks so good,has great action and a great cast! Robert Shaw as Col.Hessler, Henry Fonda as Kiley,Robert Ryan as Gen.Grey,Dana Andrews as an officer who gets it all wrong about the coming German attack and than later is a big enought man to tell Kiley he was wrong!,Telly Savalas as Guffy, The Head of a Sherman tank crew,Charles Bronson as an officer on the very front of the lines who later fights a holding action and stands up for his men when they are pows!,James MacArthur as an officer who does a 180 in how he handles his part in the battle due to what he went thru with his Sgt Duguesne played by George Montgomery,Ty Harden plays Lt .Schumacher ,a leader of a team of Germans who had lived in the U.S.A. but came back to fight for the fatherland posing as U.S. troops,and many more!
This film has somethings in common with a good western made 3 years later called Custer of the West-- 1. They are both made with the Cinerama process and I feel a Big screen TV in conjuction with a Blue-ray Player helps one still enjoy this process up to a point!2. They have a lot of the same cast.In Custer of the West Robert Shaw has the lead role as Custer,Ty Harden is Reno and Robert Ryan plays a deserter!
Thought that was interesting to point out!Some other things that I feel were realy good on the Battle of the Bulge were 1.In the beginning of the movie were Col Hessler is showed all the dreams and ideas some of the German high command have along with some tanks and fresh troops to still try and win the war!2. The train scene 3. The first battle were the Americans were caught way off guard!. 4. The Battle scene were a large amount of German tanks are lined up with ground troops pounding away at the town they are attacking and than moving in!5. Col Hessler showing his commanding officer an American cake and telling him that things like that getting to the troops makes them feel they can do any thing! He wants to take the town he is spending time attacking so as to brake American moral!5.The final battle, There is a computer game called Beyond Overlord that has this battle along with many others!
This movie has a running time of 169 mins.I hear a fair amount of people sometimes knock any movie that runs pass 2 hours! I for one, like em the longer the better as long as they are well made!This movie has some good extras like The filming of the Battle of the Bulge,History Recreated and others. Its Directed by the same Director who did The Longest Day Ken Annakin.Hans Christian Blech has a good part as an aide to Col,Hessler!The movie has extra music before the start,during an intermission phase and at the conclusion!By the way, that one reviewer has it wrong about Henry Fonda not using his gun,In the first battle He is shooting a German tank crew member!!
All in all I would have to put this movie in my top ten of World War 2 movies of all time!! I would say this movie is to be very much recommended !!
Alberto aceldegui apesteguia
5つ星のうち5.0 -